You'll have to forgive this crude guide but there's not much to say about WPATest. WPATest test the worst case (small and completely non-aligned) and the best case (large and 32bit aligned) for WritePixelLine8(), WritePixelArray8() and on OS 3.1 or above WriteChunkyPixels(). WPATest is quite simple to use, but please read this whole document before using it. WPATest wasn't mean to be shiped to the general public, which is why I'm supprised that Stephen Brookes allowed me to include it, thanks Stephen. The only major bug that I know of in WPATest is if you try and run it on a screen smaller the 640 x 400 it'll crash. This is due to the fact that it needs a big screen for its window, but doesn't check to see how big the screen is when it opens its window. I'm sure there are more tho. Aside from that WPATest is really simple to use. I'll explaine everything below, it's only 4 buttons. WPA8/WPL8/WCP : This is a cycling button that allows you to pick WritePixelArray8() WritePixelLine8() or WriteChunkyPixels() to run testes on. Layers: This test how well the selceted function handels layered operations. BlazeWCP passes this function. Masking: This tests whether the selected function supports rastports with masked planes. BlazeWCP passes this function. > There is a pause after hitting the Speed button before the test is visably run < > and is normal. < Speed: This should be pretty obvious. This runs a small, non-aligned (worst case) test and a large 32bit aligned (best case) test on the selected function and reports back the number of thousands of pixels a second that were plotted. It also gives a guess as to how much data had to be moved and reports this in thousands of bytes a second and how efficient the routines were at converting to chiipram as compared to just writing to chip. The % number it returns is kindof acurate but not completely since it compares the speed of the function reading fastram...converting...writing to chipram to just writing to chipram. The test screen we use for our test is a 640 x 512 8bit hi-res interlaced PAL screen. WPATest will also tell if the tested function reports back the wrong numbers of pixels plotted. PatchWPA8 is the only one I know of that reports this wrong. BlazeWCP REALLY passes this function ;)